We create and deliver value
Maximising value from industrial assets in the energy and manufacturing sectors
Add Value Consultancy is an engineering and technical consultancy firm, operates globally, offers innovative and efficient-based solutions in Asset Excellence cross the energy and industrial sectors that are subject to changing and challenging environment.
Whatever your needs may be, we can make it happen. Get in touch with us today.
Asset-intensive Industrial Challenges
Energy industry’s most transformative moment is here. Historically low commodity prices, geopolitical events, disruptive technologies and the challenges of energy transition and decarbonization mean that the pressure to innovate (while simultaneously reducing operations costs) is higher than ever.
The global pandemic has forced energy companies to operate in new ways - a catalyst to rethink the size and role of their functional teams, field crews, and management processes needed to run an efficient – and operationally excellent – business.
Operational Excellence in the energy sector means that it is essential to optimise risk, performance, and expenditures over the entire lifecycle of the organisation’s asset portfolio.
Many consultancy firms and service providers face a massive challenge in keeping their organisation on top of the game, and in maintaining cash flow, profit margins and reducing cost, etc. They made brutal but necessary actions in downsizing the organisation and losing core competencies and facing challenges of delivering the work.
AVC Differentiated Values
Drive Profit
We reduce operational costs by 10%-20% to asset operators. For vendors, we optimise the delivery model to on-demand model reducing operational cost to 30%-40%
Drive Performance
When you manage your assets strategically and effectively, you’ll improve key operating metrics for asset and system reliability, which subsequently improves production and revenues
Global Exposure
One-stop marketplace connects companies, vendors and consultants from all disciplines on one place
Rapid engagement with zero barriers to execution where customer is central to design thinking and human-centric design processes. We are known with efficient decision making process.
Drive Profit
We reduce operational costs by 10%-20% to asset operators. For vendors, we optimise the delivery model to on-demand model reducing operational cost to 30%-40%
Design For Delight
AVC’s Secret Sauce

AVC praise the new way of work and innovation & design thinking as effective enabler for identifying the client's’ problems and designing effective solutions for efficient implementation. AVC adopts a design thinking process at early stage of engagements to ensure AVC propose the right solution for the client. The approach named design for delight D4D enables client to be part of the problem-solving process and enables AVC to move from offering typical solutions to creating and delivering values delighting clients.

Our Solutions In Brief
AVC solves each client’s issues by providing a comprehensive approach backed by our team of experienced professionals. Our process fosters collaboration and innovation to ensure we not only understand the core needs of clients, but also help them develop successfully. Below some of building blocks of our Asset Excellence Solutions.
Asset Management
Asset Performance Management APM
Ageing Assets Life Extension ALE
Asset Integrity Management AIM
Asset Life Assessment
Corrosion Engineering
Asset Due Diligence
Maintenance and Reliability Services
Risk-Based Inspection
Reliability-Centered Maintanace RCM
Safety Instrument System SIL
Root Cause Analysis
Fitness for Service and Modelling
Asset Criticality Analysis
Operational Excellence
Qualitative Risk Assessment
Quantitative Risk Assessment
HAZOP / PHA Studies
Process Safety Management PSM
Environmental Management
Project Management Support
Research and Development-R&D
UK: 4 Mile-End Avenue, Aberdeen, AB15 5LR
UAE: Techno Hub-2, DSO, Dubai
E: askme@addvalue-consultancy.com
T (UK): +44 (0)2032 868684
T (UAE): +971 (0)55404 2376
WhatsApp +447766 717516